Monday, September 28, 2009

The Dreaded Flea

The summer of 2008 was my first as a dog-owner. Elli was on Sentinal for heartworm and flea protection. I didn't think much of it-until she got fleas!

It became a multiple-times-a-day ritual for me to inspect her for fleas. I would hunt them down and squish them between my fingernails. I know it's gross, but these things just won't die unless appropriately squished flat. I also tried other flea remedies including baths, natural products, avoiding the park and even a booster medicine supplied by the vet. The only reprive was when snow covered the ground.

In my research I found that almost every dog battles a case of fleas, that fleas live just about anywhere, and that they multiply like crazy. None of this was good news for me. I felt guilty that Elli had fleas, and couldn't seem to get rid of them. Fleas seem to be a problem that many deal with but noone talks about.

As you can imagine I was dreading this year's flea season. I took precaution and asked my vet for a stronger medicine. He provided me with Advantage Multi. I'm not sure if it was the new medicine or just a cool summer, but I'm happy to announce Elli survived flea season with only one tiny flea found. You have no idea how relieved I am that I didn't have to catch fleas and squish them between my fingers, or give Elli baths with flea shampoo. I was also relieved that I could take Elli to friend's homes without worrying about them finding out about our little secret.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Off Leash

I've always been nervous about bringing Elli to an off-leash park. She gets along with other dogs, but sometimes she gets scared if a big dog runs at her wanted to play.

Now that she has her best friend, a yellow lab named Kane, to protect her, I'm thinking about letting her go to the dog park with him. I want her to be able to run free and make lots of friends, so this will be good for her.

I hadn't even heard about this park until recently. So I looked online to see if there were other parks in the Toronto area that are designated as off-leash. I found this link that could be helpful to dog owners.

Elli was supposed to go to the park this week, but because of thunderstorms her play date was cancelled. She now has plans to go next week, I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Woof Portrait

I came across Tibi Hegyesi's artwork at Woofstock in June 2009. At the festival there were a ton of artists who did portraits of your pets. All were very good, but Tibi's stood out.

They were done on oversized canvasses and captured the expression of joy in the dog's eyes. He does the portraits in different materials such as oil, acrylic or pastel. What really stands out to me is that these portraits aren't done to look exactly like a photograph, they are almost caricatures, yet they are able to capture the soul and personality of the dog. I've never come across portraits using this technique.

I am tempted to order one for Elli, however they are about $500-$1000 so it is something I will have to save up for. But, from looking through Tibi's online gallery I think this cost is worth it. I can't wait to have one of my own Tibi originals taking up the wall of my living room!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Elli's Story

Growing up, like any other child, I always always always wanted a dog. But, I was never allowed to have one because of "allergies" on the part of my brother. I envied friends who had dogs and dreamed of the day when I could have one of my own. I dreamt of how cute she'd be, and sweet, and absolutely perfect.

Life went on and it was coming up to my 21st birthday. This was a special birthday. One that my parents wanted to get me a special gift for. They asked if I wanted earrings or a quilt. I chose the quilt seeing as I tend to lose earrings. It was in the months leading up to my birthday that I was thinking more and more about owning a dog. I had even looked after a friends shih-tzu the summer before for a few weeks, and it was everything I had imagined-except that she really wasn't my dog.

I kept telling my parents that I was looking for a dog and one day I might just come home with one. They laughed it off. Then I came across an ad on the website of a local paper. I took a chance and called the number. There was only one puppy left by this time. I decided to drive out to see her, telling myself I was just looking. Of course after seeing the cute ball of fluff I knew I had to get her. So I did. My parents wouldn't believe me. That was of course until the day I brought home my new puppy.

I named her Elli, it was a name I heard a few years earlier and thought was really lovely. She is a tri-colour shih-tzu, and was born January 4, 2008.

Ever since I brought Elli into my life she has been everything to me. I've been thinking a lot lately about what I'm passionate about and what I could blog about that shows my passion, and I've found my answer-Elli.