Sunday, May 30, 2010

Purina Walk for Dog Guides

Today, all around Canada (over 180 locations!), people and dogs alike are walking in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of this event.

There is no registration fee, or limitations on age or fitness level to participate.

Thanks to the event's sponsors, 100% of the donations go directly to Lions Foundation of Canada's Dog Guide Programs. This foundation provides guide dogs to Canadians who require them, at no cost.

You can make a donation online, plus find tons of great information at the Purina Walk for Dog Guides website. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer is here

Last weekend Elli and I took our first trip of the summer to the cottage. As I was packing, Elli knew exactly where we were going. She was following me everywhere, and would get very upset if I went out of the house without her. Then, once we got in the car she would cry if we ventured off course.

Once we arrived Elli burst out of the car and ran around like crazy. She went into every room in the house (looking for my grampa), then she ran around the yard sniffing every blade of grass, and tree stump.

Since the sun was shining, and the water was low, we were able to walk along the waterfront all the way to the beach. It was about a half-hour walk each way. I couldn't believe how high Elli could jump on the large rocks. She even ventured into the frigid water. At the beach I threw in a couple sticks for Elli to get. She preferred the big one she could barely lift over the small sticks we started with. But, since she doesn't like to actually swim I could only throw the stick in a couple feet so she could still walk in to get it.

Since Elli is still perfecting her listening skills I only let her off leash a bit at the cottage. I have a long purple rope that I use when I need to tie her up, but give her some freedom too. This time I didn't tie the rope to anything, so the bundle of remaining rope was just dragging behind her. She never went too far, too fast. Although, a couple times she did find disgusting things in the grass--dead animals, gross things to roll in (required a trip to the sink before we left), I even pulled some sort of small skull out of her mouth! The rope was good in these instances because I could easily catch her if she tried to get away with whatever she found (and knew she wasn't supposed to have).

It turned out to be a great weekend, and hopefully the first of many great weekends we spend at the cottage.

(Elli is still recovering by taking extra-long naps)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Controversial Decisions

The OSPCA in Newmarket has revoked a controversial decision to euthanize 350 animals in their shelter after a ringworm outbreak several weeks ago.

The shelter faced outrage from the public. Protesters held signs and screamed murder at shelter officials when they heard of the shelter's plans of a mass euthanization.  So far 99 animals have already been killed. 15 other animals have been "stolen" from the shelter, while 96 others have been placed in foster homes. The goal is to treat the other 140 animals with a combination of segregation, 6-8 weeks of medication, and special shampoos and sprays. Six staff members were also infected during this outbreak.

Ringworm presents as a scaly, ring-shaped skin lesion. It is a highly contagious, and resilient fungi called dermatophytes. An infected animal will lose hair, have crusty patches of skin, and scratch to the point of bleeding. However, ringworm is treatable and is not a fatal disease.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Everyday Heroes

At the 42nd annual Purina Animal Hall of Fame awards three brave dogs and one cat were honoured.

Here are their inspirational stories:

Chance remained with his young owner, an autistic boy, who walked away and into a wooded area in a snowstorm. Chance stayed with the boy overnight, and led the parents back to the boy. Unfortunately the young boy didn't survive, and passed away in a hospital from severe hypothermia.

Bingo was trained as a service dog for another young boy who suffers from an undiagnosed respiratory disease. Bingo is trained to bark whenever the boy stops breathing.

Patty saved the life of her 80-year-old owner when he fell under a 6000 lb air seeder while working on the farm.  Patty leapt into the air to alert her owner's son to the danger.

Geppetto, the cat, saved his owner by waking her up to escape a dangerous gas leak in the home.

The Purina Hall of Fame is located at the Pawsway Pet Discover Centre at Harbourfront. 120 dogs, 20 cats and 1 horse have been honoured over the years.